Cricket Hill Garden
Diospyros, 'Steiermark' persimmon
Diospyros kaki 'Steiermark'
Variety description: This large fruited Asian persimmon is named an Austrian province in the southern Alps where the original tree was found. Astringent type. Requires a long hot summer to ripen fully. This cultivar is best grown in zone 7 and above.
We received this tree from persimmon grower extraordinaire Cliff England of Sand Gap, Kentucky.
Site requirements: Persimmons grow best in a full sun location with fertile, well-drained soil. They are quite adaptable and will grow in poor, dry soils, though such conditions are far from ideal.
For growers in colder climates, Asian persimmons grow very well in hoophouses or in large containers which are protected for the winter.
Size at maturity: 10-12' tall and 6-8' wide.
Pests and diseases: None of concern.
Hardiness: Will grow in warmer areas of USDA zone 6 with winter protection for the first few years. No protection needed in USDA zones 7-9.
Plant size: Grafted tree, 1-2' tall with a well developed root system.
When we ship: FALL 2025
Shipping restrictions: CA.