Cricket Hill Garden
Pyrus, 'Shinsui' asian pear
Pyrus 'Shinsui'
Variety description: One of the earliest ripening and sweetest Asian pear selections. Medium size yellow-brown russeted, round fruit ripen in Ripe mid- to late August. The flesh is crisp, juicy, very sweet, fine texture. Excellent eating quality, not as firm as other Asian pears. This cultivars name in Japanese 新水 translates to something like 'The New Juicy One.' It was the result of breeding work done in the 1940s and was released in 1967.
Site requirements: Full sun location. Asian pears will grow in a range of soil types provided the planting location is well drained. Soil pH of 6.5 is ideal.
Hardiness: USDA zones 5-9.
Plant size: Tree, 2-3' tall with strong central leader. Grafted onto OHxF 87 rootstock.
Shipping restrictions: Cannot ship to Canada.