Cricket Hill Garden

Ribes hirtellum, 'Jahn's Prarie' Gooseberry

$ 40

Ribes hirtellum 'Jahn's Prarie'

Variety description:  This cultivar is most similar in taste to European varieties of gooseberry. Selected by Dr. Otto Jahn in Alberta, Canada. Pinkish red berries ripen in mid to late July. 

Site requirements: Partial shade with moist, well-drained soil. Plant in areas of good air circulation to prevent disease.

Size at maturity: 5' tall and 5' wide.

Pollination: Self-Fertile. However, planting multiple bushes will increase yield and size of berries.

Pests and diseases: Please note that in a few areas of the United States growing gooseberries is prohibited because they can serve as a host to white pine blister rust, a disease devastating to the lumber industry. Check for local restrictions before sourcing plants. Birds, currant aphids, currant borers, gooseberry fruit worms, gooseberry sawflies, powdery mildew, white pine blister rust. Birds relish gooseberries and will strip shrubs clean if they are not netted.

Hardiness: Will grow in USDA zones 3-7.

Plant size: 1 gallon pot with a well developed root system. 

When we ship:  SPRING 2024

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