Cricket Hill Garden

Morus, 'Pakistan' mulberry

$ 38

Morus macroura 'Pakistan'

Variety description: 
The king of mulberries, known as the 'shahtoot.' Fruits measure on average about 3'' long with some reports of up to 4 1/2” long. Sweet and flavorful, a favorite of kids visiting the nursery. Very productive.

Site requirements: Full sun location. Like other fruit trees, mulberries will do well in fertile, well drained soil. Soil pH of 6.5 is ideal.

Hardiness: USDA zones 7-10. In USDA zones 6 and below, grow in a container and bring it into the garage for the winter, or grow in a greenhouse or hoop house.

Size at maturity: Training while young combined with semi-annual pruning, mulberries can be maintained at 15-20'.

Plant size: Grafted tree

When we ship:   FALL 2025

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